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  • THE MOST PRECIOUS CARGO by Michel Hazanavicius, released in theaters on November 20, 2024, featuring Ava Vavilova as the baby.
  • Néva Kehouane is still featured on streaming platforms.
  • Narvalo, a series by and starring Matthieu Longatte, Season 2, Episode 3, is available on MyCanal.
  • Frérots by Rebecca Azan and Daive Cohen, featuring Claudia Tagbo, is streaming on OCS.
Agence Cindy Brace (CBA) - CBA s.a.s. - 7 rue de l'Eglise Saint-Jacques - 27240 Marbois - Tél : 02 32 67 19 81 - Email cindy@cindybrace.comMentions légales